Zombies: a Korean Version

Monsters used to be terrifying when we were kids. Nowadays, many TV shows present them in different ways from what we used to know. You have examples such as Twilight and The Vampire Diaries that simply romanticized those creatures. You have the simple student girl who falls in love with a vampire. It’s a cliché of a storyline now. Dracula used to be terrifying, but Stefan Salvatore surely isn’t presented as that bad. But what about zombies?

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In the Name of “Love”: How far is Someone Willing to go?

Beware the spoilers! We hope you managed to watch the second season of the Netflix series “You”. Many fans are Joe Goldberg lovers (and so are we, of course), although the man is kinda crazy. What is behind his actions? A complex mechanism of stalking and obsession that has the audience glued to the screen.

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“Thirteen Reasons Why” versus “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath – Battling Mental Imbalance

Committing suicide. It is shocking, shakes your core and stimulates all of your emotions. “Thirteen Reasons Why”, one of the most acclaimed TV shows and the novella “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath both treat this shuddering subject but formulate it at different stages: when the depressive pain cans till be defeated or when it’s already too late.

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