“Riverdale” versus “Night School”: Detective Females on the Rise

Investigation is the classical enterprise as we used to know it. It is the magnifying glass approached to the pile of fingerprinted blood splatters, the gripping intrigue or the ghostly white chalk outlining a corpse. The modern times sprung into our attention models of investigation that we adored in the past (I can feel the hint for Agatha Christie, don’t you?) and gave them a sensation of novelty. Riverdale, the smashing success launched by Netflix and “Night School”, the novel written by C.J. Daugherty, immerse us all in the heart-wrenching and adventurous world of investigating.

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“Thirteen Reasons Why” versus “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath – Battling Mental Imbalance

Committing suicide. It is shocking, shakes your core and stimulates all of your emotions. “Thirteen Reasons Why”, one of the most acclaimed TV shows and the novella “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath both treat this shuddering subject but formulate it at different stages: when the depressive pain cans till be defeated or when it’s already too late.

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